Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter. 韦斯耸起双肩,身体前倾靠在柜台边上。
A cold front is the forward edge of a mass of moving cold air. 冷锋是一团移动着的冷气流的前锋面。
By nightfall police, supported by armored personnel carriers and water cannons, rumbled slowly forward through barricades to the edge of the main encampment at Independence Square. 夜幕降临前,配备了装甲车和高压水枪的警察缓缓通过路障,来到基辅独立广场(IndependenceSquare)主要营地的边缘。
The three choices of launch styles are a forward step off the platform's edge, a running leap, or a backwards jump into the air. 种跳跃的方式可以选择,分别是:从平台边缘向前跨出一步、助跑后往外跳,以及倒退向后方空中跳出等。
A vertical post at the forward edge of a rudder that enables the rudder to pivot. 方向舵前缘用来控制舵在舵轴上的直柱。
If a glacier reaches the sea, its forward edge breaks off, forming huge blocks of ice floating at sea, called icebergs. ( 1) 如果冰川到达大海,它前面的边缘部分破裂,形成巨大的冰块,漂浮在海上,叫冰山。
If every loss puts you that much closer to a win, you will be looking forward to the next occurrence of your edge, ready and waiting to jump in without the slightest reservation or hesitation. 如果每一次亏损让你离赢利更加接近,你就寻找下一个优势,准备好不保留,毫不犹豫地跳进去。
Now all moab, hearing that the kings had come to make war against them, got together all who were able to take up arms and went forward to the edge of the country. 摩押众人听见这三王上来要与他们争战,凡能顶盔贯甲的,无论老少,尽都聚集站在边界上。
To reduce the influence of geometrical deformation on image matching, we put forward a method which can detect multi-pixels edge of image. 针对图像匹配受几何变形的影响,提出了一种基于相邻像素间的灰度差异来提取图像多像素边缘的方法。
We put forward an edge detection approach based on2-D wavelet in the paper. 提出一种基于二维小波进行边缘检测的方法。
Also, it uses histogram thresholding arithmetic to segment image. Analyses the classical edge detectors, and puts forward the edge detection method based on binary connected component. It not only makes use of segmentation image, but also enhances the detection speed. 分析比较了经典边缘检测算子,提出了基于二值化图连通域的边缘检测方法,既利用了阈值分割的结果,又提高了检测的速度。
It is found in the survey that the sliding surface has a three segments form, including sliding surface of forward edge, drawing open surface of back edge and shearing surface of inter part. 考察中发现,滑动面具有前缘滑移面、后缘拉裂面和中间剪断面的三段式形态。
Therefore, it is of significance to put forward the concept of urban competitive edge. 此时,城市竞争力的提出具有特殊的意义。
The simple methods are put forward to calculate Fermi level and edge level of sulfide mineral by means of potential of mineral electrode and zeta potential of mineral surface. 提出采用矿物浮选常用参数,即矿物静电位和矿物颗粒表面动电位来计算硫化矿物的费米能级和边缘能级的简便方法。
It will bring prodigious trouble to image transformation. This paper analyzes existing arithmetic and put forward using edge detection operator to wipe off the influence of overlapped objects, establish 3-D edge model and digital model, and put forward the method to divide image. 通过对现有的重叠物质识别算法进行分析,提出了采用边缘检测算法去除遮挡效应的数字图像处理算法,建立了3-D边缘模型和数字化模型,并提出3-D图像阈值化分割的方法;
The second one is involved in putting forward the conception of urban competitive edge, and establishing its model. 第二部分提出城市竞争力的概念,在此基础上建立城市竞争力理论模型;
A discrete orthogonal polynomial method is put forward for curve fitting sub-pixel edge detection algorithm, which decomposes two-dimensional curve fitting into one-dimensional curve fitting, and improves the reliability and computation speed of the algorithms. 引入离散正交多项式,提出了一种新的曲面拟合亚像素边缘检测算法。该算法将二维曲面拟合分解为一维曲线拟合,大大提高了算法的可靠性和速度。
Firstly it introduces the method of edge detection, and then brings forward the arithmetics of identifying edge critical point and deleting redundant inserting numerical point, so it can match the edge by NURBS. 首先介绍了图像的边缘检测方法,而后提出了识别边缘尖点和删除冗余插值点的算法,从而能够用NURBS曲线有效地拟合出样板边缘。
Combine with characters of human face this paper brings forward detection arithmetic of excessive scales image edge amalgamation. 结合人脸的特征提出了多尺度图像边缘融合检测算法。
Analyzes security risk existing in power enterprises information network, puts forward safety solutions and actualizing principle from edge to core of network, realizes closed loop solutions of information safety, ensures safe and steady operation of power enterprises information network. 针对现代发电企业信息网络存在的安全风险进行分析,提出了一套从网络边缘到核心安全的解决方案和实施原则,从而实现了信息安全的闭环控制,保证了发电企业信息网络的安全稳定运行。
Including edge detection based on lifting wavelet algorithm, wavelet packet transform and edge detection, based on the B-spline wavelet transform fast multi-scale edge detection algorithm, and on this basis, it puts forward an improved B-spline wavelet-based edge detection algorithm. 包括基于提升小波的边缘检测算法,小波包变换与图像边缘检测,基于B样条小波变换快速多尺度边缘检测算法等,并在此基础上,提出改进的基于B样条小波变换的边缘检测算法。
Further more, they are more and more focused domestic and abroad as a new trend of evolution and are on the most forward edge of development and marketing. 数字对讲机作为一种新的发展趋势,在国内正受到各界的关注,被推向开发与市场化的前沿。
While having discussed the image pretreatment method of traditional use in workpiece flaw detection, have put forward based on wavelet transform edge detection pretreatment technology. 详细阐述了本系统中应用到的图像处理技术工作原理及实现过程,在论述了工件疵病检测中传统使用的图像预处理方法的同时,提出了基于小波变换边缘检测预处理技术。
In this method a new gradient transformation function is put forward, which can enhance the edge and the texture of the small gradient, make the weak texture details more clear. 在本论文方法中提出一种梯度变换函数,可以增强梯度值比较小的边缘和纹理,使原本比较弱的纹理细节更加清晰。
Therefore, further research is still needed. In this paper, we mainly focus on the edge detection of aerial power line images, and put forward four innovative edge detection algorithms. 本课题以航空输电线图像为重点研究对象,在对传统边缘检测算法进行深入研究的基础上,创新性地提出了如下四种边缘检测算法。
This paper carries out in-depth research on three-dimensional mesh simplification algorithm, puts forward the edge collapse simplification based on normals algorithm, which has achieved on VC 7.0 platform by using C++ and OpenGL. 本文对三维网格简化算法进行了深入的研究,提出了基于法向误差测度的边折叠简化算法。
In this research, we mainly focus on the edge detection of the oil spill remote sensing images, and put forward three innovative edge detection algorithms, the main works in this thesis can be summarized as follows: 1. 本课题以溢油遥感图像为重点研究对象,对图像边缘检测的发展情况,现状进行了深入、系统的探讨和研究,创新性地提出了3种边缘检测算法。
To improve the shortages of the traditional Snake, a novel model which adds a balloon force to the external force is put forward. New model improves the closed edge detection quality in a certain sense. 基于传统Snake模型的不足,本文提出增加了气球力的Snake模型,在一定意义上改善了封闭边缘的探测质量。
In this paper, we put forward a method that combines edge with depth information for stereoscopic video segmentation after the analysis of existing segmentation algorithms. Through the Canny operator edge detection, matching combined with fixed window iteration to get the ultimate segmentation result. 本文在深入研究分析现有分割算法的基础上,提出了一种结合边缘和深度信息的立体视频对象分割,通过Canny算子进行边缘检测,结合修正的窗口进行匹配迭代的得到最终的分割结果。
According to motion estimation module, this paper put forward a algorithm that is the edge detection algorithm application to the motion estimation. 针对运动估计模块,提出了减少搜索点数和把边缘检测应用到运动估计中的算法。